Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Welocme to my Photoshop Airport LLPH

This blog is intended to show off my airline livery paintings.
Ever since I was a little boy I loved airplanes both civil and military. I just loved to watch and stare them whenever I saw them. I was lucky enough to live not far (about 8 km ) from our  main international airport so they passed above my house. I know now that I was an obsessive plane spotter.
Lately I decided to start and paint airline liveries and so in the last 2-3 weeks I painted almost 35-40 liveries most of them of real airline

The first two are not the first ones I painted but these are EL-AL airplanes which is my country's flag carrier:
EL-AL - Retro Livery - Boeing 737-700

Airbus A321 - Actual Livery (Although EL-AL does not have Airbus )

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